Everyone is aware that the job interview situation can be intense and stressful for the applicant. But have you ever wondered what it is like to sit on the opposite side of the table? The truth is it might be just as stressful for the hiring team and the interviewer specifically.
The hiring manager is under immense pressure to find the best and the right candidate for the company’s open position and often to do so fast! First the hiring team needs to evaluate the current needs and the tasks that must be fulfilled by the new hire. It is also of paramount importance to work out a long-term plan for the position and the company at large. How will this new employee help move the company forward?
Few hiring managers have specific training in interviewing skills and lack experience in this domain. Furthermore, the interview situation is often not given the appropriate amount of attention. This entails that the potential stress associated with hiring is frequently neglected.
It can indeed be challenging to find an individual who fits the job profile, has the required professional qualifications, credentials and experience. All this while also matching the company culture and future. Job interviews hold the potential to expose possible red flags, reveal strengths and work ethic. The interviewer also needs address that expectations fit with compensation and future career aspirations. The interview should take place in a welcoming atmosphere while you as the interviewer maintain a professional tone, listen well and are open to questions. Does this sound like a tall order? Have you ever felt overwhelmed and underprepared when conducting job interviews in your company?
Then continue reading and learn practical skills to take your interviews to the next level.
At SlaterConsult we have extensive experience in interviewing. We know the challenges and can therefore help alleviate some of the potential stressors and pitfalls. Based on a deep founded understanding of the interview process SlaterConsult has curated a list with practical tips to help you on your way to achieve your interview goals and improve your skills in assessing candidates competently and confidently.
- Set the scene – start by providing quick introduction of you and the company and explain why the position needs to be filled. Furthermore, offer a quick rundown of the future strategy for the position as well as the company.
- Have a set structure – this includes scheduling enough time for the interview and sticking to the time limit. If interviewing several candidates, it is beneficial to follow the same interview structure by asking the same questions. This will make it easier to effectively compare applicants subsequently and minimize possible bias.
- Be prepared– read through candidates’ resumes and make note of key elements to elaborate on during the interview.
- Think through and write out questions beforehand. Choose your questions wisely and aim to tailor the questions to the specific role you are hiring for.
- Ask different types of questions – both open questions and more specific questions. This encourages the candidate to provide specific details on previous experiences and insights on how they tackled challenges in the past.
- Take notes during the interview and listen intently. You may think you will be able to remember everything, but chances are you will miss certain elements.
- Make time for and be prepared to answer questions regarding the position and the organization. Know your company’s goal and culture and be prepared to “sell” them to the candidate at the interview.
- Explain the next steps to the candidate prior to ending the interview and be sure to follow up afterwards. The fortune is in the follow up!
There are many different approaches to conducting job interviews. Follow these tips and feel better prepared for tackling your next interviews.
Better hires do indeed start with better interviews – get started today!
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